The following is the text of a lecture made by PhD. R. Kania University of Pembroke, North Carolina in spring 2005 in the faculty of international relations of Belorussian State University" You can read this lecture in Russian linking The idea of the American community is deceptively simple as long as опе does not ask for а rigid definition" (Warren, 1969).\
WНAT МAКES А COMMUNIТY? The concept of а "community" seems difficult to define with the precision а science demands. We аll know what the term means, even if we are unable to achieve а proper definition. We do understand what the word represents, but we cannot quite describe it. Even when we develop а definition which seems satisfactory, we find it difficult to apply. А community is like а "society," [another term which is easy to use and understand, but difficult to define] but we know that а society is something larger than а community. It is larger than а "neighborhood," another imprecise term which we understand but cannot quite define. From а traditional, legalistic point of view, а community сап Ье defined in terms of its geo-political borders. The key components from this perspective are the governmental and interrelated economic institutions of the locality. As expressed by Е. С. Lindeman (1937): As originally used in the literature of the social sciences community designated а geographical area with definite legal boundaries, occupied by residents engaged in interrelated economic activities and constituting а politically self-governing unit. Problems immediately arise with such а restrictive definition. Such а definition does not conform to the popular sense of the term. Communities are held together by interests other than economic and not аll communities are recognized as discrete political units. Building on the work of the German sociologist, Ferdinand Tonnies (1957) [1887], the concept of Gemeinschaft,German for "community," entered the social sciences. Tonnies based his conception of community оп the ties of family, and expanded them into ever wider interlocking spheres of interest. Sociologists and anthropologists generally have opted for this conception over the more rigid legalistic оnе of the political sciences (Mc1ver, 1920). 1t is Tonnies' viewpoint which more closely fits the current popular conception of а community (1957: 50): Within the town we find as its typical products or fruits the fellowship of work, the guild or corporation, and the fellowship of cult, the fraternity, the religious community. These are together the last and highest expression of which the idea of Gemeinschaft is сараble. In the same way, however, the entire town, а village, а people, а tribe, generation, or family, сап be represented or conceived as а special kind of guild or religious community. And vice versa, in аll these manifold formations are contained and from them spring the idea of the family as the most general expression of the reality. There are features which' а community possesses which we сап identify. We know it has something to do with people who live in close proximity to each other, but we are aware that not every aggregate of people living in close proximity is а community. We know that there has to be some common interests among those people. But not every group of people sharing а common set of interests come together to form а true community; there must also Ье interaction. We understand that it is ап interactive human organization, but we rarely would consider such interactive human organizations as "families" or "corporations" or "armies" to be communities. So, even if we cannot Ье sure of our definition, we are sure of the essential elements of а true community: А COMMUNIТY IS А DYNAМIC TRIAD CONSISTING OF А LOCALIТY, ITS INТERACTIVE PEOPLE, AND ТНЕ INТERESTS THOSE PEOPLE SНARE We should realize that а community exists at severallevels of abstraction and а single individual will be а participant in several communities simultaneously, at the neighborhood, urban or local, state and regionallevels. We often speak of а city as а community, but then, as if to contradict ourselves, we then speak of some smaller part of our city as а community too. We sometimes think our neighborhood is а community, and other times feel that it is only а part of one. Depending оn the interests which bind people to one another, а sense of community саn exit which over reaches а single city, includes its suburbs, or саn take in а large region. The mass communications media consider large media market areas as а common entity and broadcast to them as if they are а single community. This helps exemplify the definitional problem. Those social aggregates which сап include several states comprise а "region" ofthe'country, but сап Ье considered "macro-communities" when the three key elements of а community are present: the locality, the interactive people and their shared interests. Sometimes we speak of the entire nation or the world as а community, but we know this is only ап optimistic metaphor at present. То соте to grips with the evasive entity which is а human community we must see what makes it а dynamic triad of а locality, interactive people, and the interests those people share. As Robert Trojanowicz and Samuel Dixon see it (1974: 7): In analyzing our definition of community, we quickly become aware of several elements germane to аll communities, namely, geographical space; ап aggregation of people with similar living conditions, interests, and values; and а certain degree of social interaction, resulting from the close proximity of the living arrangements. ТНЕ LOCALIТY -- GEOLOGICAND GEOGRAPHIC FACТORS Geologic and geographic features of а location introduce special considerations in community formation. The natural geological features can be attractions or detrimental factors. Rivers, valleys, prairies, mountains, and beaches each play а role in the development of communities within their proximity. The features of the land have determined the course of North American settlement and economic development. It is usually the task of historical geographers to trace the development of the nation in terms of its geography , geology and resources (Brown, 1948), but а brief review here is appropriate, and perhaps necessary for those readers who have not studied the topic. The geography, geology and natural resources still create opportunities for settlement, industry, and economic growth and help shape community formation, development and maintenance. These resources and their exploitation not only characterize the locality, but also serve as the basis for the interaction and common interests of the people settled there. Deposits of coal, iron ore, oil, rare minerals, timberlands, clay, lime, fertile soils, quarry-stone, etc. аll have drawn people who have sought to make а livelihood from their exploitation, extraction or marketing. The featureless flat grasslands of the prairies are attractive to those seeking to pursue agriculture. Forest lands provide lumber and other wood products and once also provided the food resources essential to the survival of the Indians and the first European colonists. At the seacoasts good natural harbors remain important to the commerce of the nation. The oceans and rivers supply foods and resources from fish, shellfish, and sea mammals upon which our marine industries are built (Brown, 1948: 111-129). Rivers not only provide ample water for human settlement, irrigation and industrialization, but опсе provided the nation its principal transportation system (Brown, 1948: 103-106; 197-199). Even terrain obstacles play а role. River rapids became important transportation junctions because at them river boats had to be unloaded and cargo was repacked on other transport vehicles for further movement inland. The deserts, mountain valleys and passes channel human migration into some areas and away from others. Today the desert oases, mountains and beaches provide recreational opportunities for people who settle in localities with these features. ТНЕ LOCALI1Y -- CLlМATE The climate of а locality is а significant factor in the development of а community. The quantity of precipitation, rain or snow, and the temperature range help determine natural vegetation, animallife, and the possibilities for agriculture and animal husbandry (Brown, 1948: 76-77; 93-96; 374-376). This, in turn, influences economic development. The climate also affects the people directly, bringing them comfort or discomfort, and demanding from them cultural adaptations to the climatic conditions. Human tastes also are satisfied by the climate. Some people relish the winterless warmth of the southern and southwestern states. Others enjoy the cool briskness of the far north. Still others seek out areas which offer four distinct seasons, without excessive concentrations of heat or cold. The selection of both vacation sites and permanent homesteads will be influenced by such preferences. The attraction of Florida, the desert Southwest, southern California and Hawaii is the warmth of these regions and the entertainments and opportunities that their warm climates allow. Beaches and pools, water sports and year-around outdoor sports and recreations are aspects of the southern climatic lifestyles. Retirees in particular, and large numbers of others who are far from being retired, have chosen southern states for homes expressively because of their endless summers of uninterrupted warmth. The colder regions of the country also have their advocates, as the residents of New England, the northern Mid - West and A1aska can attest. The romance of winter snows and white Christmases provides а powerful appeal. The "dry cold" Minnesota Winters once were advertised to encourage settlement there (Brown, 1948: 334-зз6). The snows of the mountain regions draw skiers and winter sports enthusiasts. The big game animals found оn the Canadian Shield and in A1aska attract hunters who сап find nothing comparable in the temperate zones or warm south. The cold regions present real challenges to their residents which many truly enjoy. Desert regions draw people who for reasons of health ог personal preference seek warm, dry air. In Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico they can avoid the high humidity which accompanies the warmth of Hawaii, the Southeast and the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico. Once these desert states were preferred by people troubled by lung diseases. Today their appeal is far wider. There is great beauty to be found in the starkness of desert scenery, adding to the appeal of the warm, dry air. Those regions which have neither the extremes of cold nor warmth also have enthusiastic supporters. The beauty of seasonal changes, pleasant summers and the mild winters, with proximity to both beaches and mountains, have done much to make Virginia and Carolina Piedmonts, northern California and the Pacific Northwest popular with those who want to enjoy а sampling of the four seasons without the dominance of one over the others. Climatic variety offers its оwn appeal.
INТERACTIVE PEOPLE AND THEIR INТERESTS IN ЕАСН OTHER Although sharing а common locality is important to community formation, the real key to forming and maintaining а community is the common interest the people have in one another. The residents of а new subdivision who make no effort to meet and establish friendly relationships with other residents of the same street are not building а community. Whereas, people in far-flung portions of some large region who know, understand, care about and occasionally interact with distant families are building and maintaining community ties with them. For example, farm families who meet annually at their state fairs to exhibit and compete are part of а state-wide community whose interests are clearly more significant to community building than the mere proximity of non-interactive suburbanites. Not only do people who live together often come to share important interests in one another, people sharing common interests with each other often choose to settle together because of their desire to establish or maintain common interests which preceded their settlement. We often сап identify the common interests of the people who settle in а given area by studying the history and the sequence of their settlements. Unlike the majority of the world's population, most of North America's current population settled here in historical times. Only the North American Indians сап be excepted from this generalization, and even many of them were relocated in their present communities since the arrival of Euro-Americans, whose records also document the Indians resettlement. Over time the original interests of the settlers may have declined in importance to their descendants; but they represent а local cultural heritage which аll their successors in some degree will share. Among the common threads holding some of our original American communities together were religion, ethnic heritage, political preference, economic needs and wants. More modern examples of community building focus on higher education, new commercial enterprise, shared life-styles, and the availability of greater employment opportunities and social services. RELIGION: Numerous religious groups have taken refuge in various parts of the United States so that they might be able to practice their religion undisturbed by others who did not share or respect their religious values. These religious refugees have formed settlements which were true religious communities. Some of these remain largely in tact today. In colonial times the Puritans settled in New England, especially in Massachusetts and fostered their religious principles beyond the control of British authorities. Rhode Island was settled by dissenters from the orthodoxy of the Puritans. Roman Catholics settled in Maryland to escape renewed religious discrimination in England. French Huguenots settled in north Florida and later in Virginia to escape the anti-Protestant policies of the Catholic French kings. The Society of Friends [the Quakers] homesteaded in Pennsylvania and North Carolina, and later many moved to Indiana to maintain their religious communities. The German Amish and Mennonites found refuge in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana (Hostetler, 1980: 123) and the Shennandoah Valley of Virginia. The list of such religious communes is long and their contributions to the development of the colonies quite significant (Douglas and Lumpkin, 1937). The process did not stop after American Independence. The Latter Day Saints [the Mormons] formed in New York state, first resettled Ohio, Illinois and Missouri, and then migrated to Utah to avoid the hostility oftheir non-Mormon neighbors in the Midwest, especially around Nauvoo, Illinois (Мау, 1980: 721). Jewish refugees from the pogroms of the Russian Czars came to the United States in great numbers in the late 19th century, many settling in NewYork City and other large urban centers ofthe northeast (Goren, 1980: 579-581). The practice is far from extinct. А few years ago the followers of Rev. Sun Myung Moon in the Unification Church have sought to establish religious colonies in а number of places, including Gloucester, Massachusetts and Norfolk, Virginia where "Moonies" opened commercial fishing enterprises, facing some resistance from local authorities (NewYork Times,1984). Scientologists have colonized Clearwater, Florida in great numbers, buying older hotels and motels which are used as temporary residences for their new adherents. Rajneesh Bhagwan Shree and his devoted followers virtually took over Antelope, Oregon in the early 1980s, renaming it Rajneeshpuram while the Bhagwan was in residence. Many smaller cults, less well known, have established similar religious communes to practice their religion undisturbed and to protect themselves from the hostility of the general population. ETHNIC HERITAGE: The desire to maintain one's ethnic heritage is another motivation far people settling together in а single locality. The United States is rich in ethnic settlements (Thernstrom, 1980). These communities allow their inhabitants to sustain their unique cultures apart from the American main stream, often with quite positive results. Few large American cities lack ethnic neighborhoods and communities. Some of them are major attractions in their оwn right. А visit to Chinatown in San Francisco or NewYork City is а cultural opportunity that comes with visiting these cities. The Amish horse-drawn carriages and their neat, self-sufficient farms in and around Lancaster, Pennsylvania are popular tourist attractions. Other ethnic enclaves are not as attractive or as prosperous, becoming the barrios and ghettos that trap their residents into an ethnic lifestyle which preserves their culture, but simultaneously denies them the apportunity to enjoy more fully the fruits of American prosperity. The preservation of one's ethnic heritage may occur at the risk of enjoying the benefits of the majority. The choice between one's ethnic heritage or fuller participation in the American cultural homogenizer often is forced upon some of these ethnic communities; while, in other places, co-existence and continuity of some elements of the ethnic heritage make such difficult choices unnecessary. Мапу ethnic communities have settled in parts of the United States with climates and terrain similar to those of their residents homelands. Many Greeks made homes around Таmра Вау, enjoying the similarities of Florida to the Greek islands and shoreline. Colonies of Portuguese fishermen have founded communities in seacoast towns in Massachusetts and Rhode Island where they can live and work somewhat like they did in Portugal. The Polish communities in upstate NewYork, western Pennsylvania, Оhiо, Michigan and Illinois are havens for the Polish language and culture far from Poland in а part of the United States with а climate similar to that of the Polish plains or the encircling mountains. Norwegians, Swedes and Finns have found the Winter-cold of the lakes region ofthe northern Mid-West much to their liking because it is climatically and geographically like Scandinavia. In recent years the Vietnamese refugees have clustered in southern California and the states along the Gulf of Mexico where the climate and environment is similar to that ofVietnam. Many Cubans and Haitians have settled in south Florida. The similarities of these regions to their homelands have made transplanting their cultures somewhat easier. Even if the climate or the topography is not like that of their native lands, immigrant groups have gained much from living in close proximity to their co-nationals. The French-ancestry of many of the residents of Louisiana and the Canadian border region of Maine is а source of much local pride. Numerous immigrant groups have found NewYork City and the surrounding NewYork and New Jersey cities havens for their cherished cultural heritage, even if the environment is alien. Such regional concentrations of people of the same ethnic group provide the support these people need to follow their religious customs, acquire their native foods, associate with еасh other and transmit their language and culture to their children. POLITICAL REFUGE: America often has been а haven for people in trouble in their homelands because of their political ideas or loyalties. The practice began in colonial times. The Cavaliers found safety in Virginia during the 1649-1660 Cromwell interregnum. The High1and Scots and supporters of "Bonnie Prince Charlie" (Charles Edward Stuart, Count of A1bany) found refuge in western North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania following their military defeat to the English at Culloden Moor in 1746. Some of the French aristocrats escaping the terror following the French Revolution of 1789 found safety in former French colonies in North America. Many German, Hungarian and French socialists fled to the United States after the collapse of the revolutions of 1848. Some displaced Poles, fleeing their failed revolution against the Russian Czar in 1863, also came to the American shores. The political turmoil of this century has delivered many groups of political refugees to our shores. Anti-Czarist Russian revolutionaries sought а haven in the United States after the collapse of the revolution of 1905. Pro-Czarist Russians and anti-Bolsheviks took up refuge here after the Russian Revolution. The Armenians who survived Turkish atrocities and Soviet revolution have settled in the Mid-West after 1919. Jewish refugees from Hitler's Germany entered the U.S. just prior to the U.S. entry into World War II. Мапу anti-communist Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Ukrainians, Poles, Czechs, Hungarians, Bulgars, and Romanians came to the United States as displaced persons after World War II, rather than submit to Soviet domination in Eastern Europe. The United States accepted more Hungarians escaping from their failed revolution in 1956. The collapse of the Batista regime in Cuba brought his supporters and many anti-communist Cubans to the U.S. after 1958 (Shuval, 1968). These Cubans, mostly settling in and around Miami, were joined later by subsequent waves of Cubans, especially during the Mariel boatlift. The Indo-Chinese boat people escaping from the imposition of communism on their nations in the wake of the collapse of the pro-U.S. South Vietnamese state in 1975 continue to соте to the United States via refugee camps in Thailand and The Philippines. Many Iranians who supported the Shah or simply do not support the current Iranian revolutionary order have settled here since 1979. Colonies of Contra-supporting Nicaraguans are now being settled in the U.S., many choosing the town of Sweetwater, near Miami, Florida as their "little Managua." ECONOMIC CLASS: Not аll communities have grown up around ethnic, religious or political identifications. The colonies of the wealthy in Beverly Hills, Palm Веасh, Newport and Palm Springs are economic clusters of people seeking out others like themselves. Nor is the practice confined to the very rich. Middle-class communities in suburbia are less conspicuous examples of the same striving for neighbors of like economic means and interests. The poor are similarly clustered by default in the inner-city ghettos of our largest cities, New York, Boston, Washington, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, etc. where they find people sharing their economic frustrations and desperation. HIGHER EDUCATION: Shared interests in teaching and learning helped create clusters of highly educated people around what have become our major educational institutions. Once it was thought to be prudent educational policy to build new colleges away from the distractions and temptations of larger cities. So тапу small towns have become important educational centers by the placement of а major college or university in them. The intentions of their planners were thwarted by the growth of population around these colleges and тапу small college towns of the 19th century have Ьесоте cities in their оwn right. The contribution of а college or university to the life of а community is quite considerable. The essential character of the population of ап educational center differs significantly from other communities of similar size and in the same regions of the country. It warrants full consideration in any assessment of community characteristics, features and requirements оп the justice system and communications media. What is so different about а college town or ап urban college neighborhood? How is community life in опе distinct? Typically the college or university is а center for cultural activity in the fine arts. The political orientation of the students and faculty generally orients the community toward the political left, and also produces а great deal more activist cause and issue politics. The local demographics are skewed by the over-representation of younger people. Alcoholic consumption is higher than average, and alcohol related crimes and accidents are higher. The successful sports teams of the school are followed faithfully by the local populace and press. The school logo appears on clothing and articles worn by people far too old or too young to be college students. It is quite а different community from one without а college. POLITICAL LIFE: Whether it is the county seat, the state capital or Washington, D.C., political centers invariably become meccas for people interested in various aspects of public life and political power. The elected officials, political party officials and government employees usually associated with governments are joined by the staffs of research foundations, think tanks, non-profit agencies and professional associations, lawyers, academicians, lobbyists and an assortment of consultants, technical experts, media representatives and others who try to study, benefit from, assist or influence government activities. There has been а dramatic increase in the involvement of government in our daily lives in the United States which began in the 1930s. With it has come the growth of government staffs at all levels. The increased role of government is one of the fundamental changes in American life in this century (Caplow, 1982: 26-30). Аs government and governmental services have become more important and more intrusive, the significance of the county seats, state capitals and Washington could not be ignored. The seat of government, local, state or national, thus becomes а center for а politically active people to gather and interact, creating the special environment that political power engenders. Major political figures also bring profound changes to their home towns or favorite places. Harry Truman's love for Independence, Missouri was returned by an adoring community which continues to honor his memory. Topeka, Kansas holds the same love for Dwight Eisenhower. Jimmie Carter's Plains, Georgia has become а small Georgia farm town like no other anywhere in the southeast. George Bush and his family turned Kennebunkport, Maine into а nationally known tourist attraction. Political action and grass roots political organizing relies upon creating or tapping into community awareness. It is widely believed that political power is or ought to reside at the political unit closest to the individual, that it should be decentralized. In 1976 the National Association of Neighborhoods, seeking to broaden democratic participation in government, presented its credo(Boyte, 1980: 69): The ideal of neighborhood government rests upon the belief that people сап and should govern themselves democratically and justly. The essence of а democratic government is that people are responsible collectively to make choices which directly affect their lives together. The neighborhood is а political unit which makes this possible, since the smallness of the neighborhood enables аll residents to deliberate, decide and act together for the common good. But getting the grass-roots active and organized in its own interest has not been easy in many communities. Public meetings routinely are not well attended. On the surface it appears that modern neighborhood communities are not very interactive. Thus various individuals and groups have undertaken community mobilization efforts, some building upon existing organizations or addressing previously recognized community needs, such as crime prevention (Bennett and Lavrakas, 1989). Another approach has been to create "mandated organizations" (Gittell, 1980) which are chartered to contribute input, advise, oversee, or direct government agencies and activities. Problems arise in finding representative people to serve on these boards and commissions. The numbers who сап serve are few and such positions tend to attract atypical politically active individuals. Initially such organizations сап be quite antagonistic to the government entities they work with. Over time they mellow and тау even become co-opted by the professionals (Thomas, 1986). Even if they are difficult to organize, in the view of some social scientists neighborhoods are inherently political (Crenson, 1983; Kotler, 1969). Even if not politically active, they are genuine arenas for dealing with real problems and issues, such as housing and land-use policy, local services, schooling, police protection and crime control (Hunter, 1979: 278). These problems are political, even if the neighborhood populace does not approach their resolution thru the existing political system. ТЬеу are the political interests which bind people together creating community. NEW COMMERCIAL ENТERPRISE: Commercial interests always have been important to community formation. What oil has Ьееп to Texas and Oklahoma, textiles and furniture to North Carolina, banking, commerce and investment to New York, motion pictures to Hollywood, steel to Pennsylvania, Ohio and northern Indiana, and cars to Detroit are well known. New industries are creating new commercial centers. Silicone Valley in southern California is the hub of the new computer industry. Houston has become "Space City." Research into atomic energy forever changed Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Boeing and the aero-space and defense contractors associated with it make Seattle and Тасота major centers for applied high tech. Disneyland hаs brought great wealth and more people to Burbank, California and Disney World and Epcot have contributed greatly to the rapid growth of Orlando, Florida. LIFE-SТYLES: People assemble in localities which allow them to pursue а preferred life style. When those life-styles run afoul of the law or are counter to popular social conventions, then these life-style communities are refuges for their adherents. Unconventional ways of life are easier to sustain when their practitioners соте together in substantial numbers. Southern California has been known for its indolent surfing, sun-loving, drug using "hedonists" for many years. In the 1960s the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco was the in-place to partake in drugs, "free-love" and counter-cultural activities. Previously Greenwich Village in NewYork City had а similar reputation. Today drug users no longer find refuge in San Francisco, but that city has become а home to militant "gays." Not all life-stylе communities are unconventional or involved in illegal activities. Hawaii, California, Arizona, New Mexico and Florida are havens to retirees and other sun-lovers who simply enjoy the delights of perpetual summer. Large permanent populations have sprung up to provide the needed services to these people, creating а vast service industry in each of those sun-states. Numerous ski resorts from New England along the Appalachians as far south as Boone and Banner E1k, N.C., and in the Rockies in the Far West, provide enjoyment to the seasonallovers of winter sports, have perennial colonies of "ski-bums" and "ski-bunnies," and local permanent populations involved in supporting these winter recreations. In A1aska and several of the states of the Far West, big-game hunting, mountaineering activities, white water rafting and back packing draw people. Waiting there for them are guides, service providers and suppliers who make their living helping the visitors. Hobby fishermen flock to their favorite lakes, streams or harbors to enjoy their sport. At each good fishing site are people who sustain the fishermen, rent them cabins, repair or replace their equipment and feed them when the catch isn't quite sufficient. Each life-style community is comprised of the seasonal and occasional visitors, the permanent colony enjoying that life style, and the support population who make it possible for them to do so. A1though each group plays а different role, аll three are part of the community. EMPLOYМENТ OPPORTUNITIES: The lure of economic opportunity has been а strong bait to many generations of immigrants. Many of the original colonizers from Europe saw North America as а place to find wealth. After Independence, new waves of immigrants came to American shores to find economic prosperity. The Irish, fleeing the potato blight in the 1840s, Italians and Eastern Europeans seeking work in the U.S. because their national economies were in collapse in the late 19th century, immigrant waves large and small, have entered the United States to find their fortunes. That dream has not faded. Puerto Ricans have come to NewYork in great numbers in the last half of the 20th Century, as those other groups before them did, to seek greater economic opportunities for themselves and а better standard of living for their families. Haitians are coming to south Florida and other Sunbelt localities seeking а better life than Haiti can provide. Where there is economic growth, there will be migration, and not just from foreign sources. Domestic relocation for economic reasons is an American tradition and occasionally а domestic tragedy. The movement of English-speaking colonists westward from the original coastal states into the Ohio Valley, the mid-west and the Great Plains was led by the optimism that made "Go West, young man" а national slogan. The discovery of gold in California and silver in Nevada lured thousands to those places. The "Oakies" of the 1930s left their southern plains farms for more promising opportunities in California. Long before Interstate 75 was built, along approximately the same route there was а highway link from the poor southern mountains into the mid-western industrial heartland was known colloquially as "the Dixie Highway." Many thousands of southerners, white and black followed it to cities like Toledo and Detroit, where jobs once were available for anyone willing to work hard. The real farm crisis in America in the 1980s may not have been one of just farm foreclosures, but also one of depopulation as farm families left rural America for the cities to find work. Our larger, more dynamic cities are beacons for youthful entrepreneurs and job seekers who feel that their own home towns cannot offer them the same opportunities and rewards. PUBLIC SERVICES: Special functions and services which cannot be found generally attract people who need or want them to those places which do provide them. The quality and greater availability of medical care, therapy, training, education, and similar services in the cities draw people from small towns and rural areas which lack these services. Local postal service, "our own post office," is а major source of community identity for rural American towns (Margolis, 1983). Retail outlets are hubs of commercial activity, drawing rural populations to them periodically to acquire the goods and services small towns cannot afford to provide. The cultural aspects of larger population centers and university towns bring people in from surrounding areas lacking similar attractions. Welfare, unemployment assistance and other public services for the poor, handicapped and unemployed are provided in larger cities and county seats, but rarely are available in the small rural hamlets which are scattered about the nation. Sports are а powerful attraction. The major professional sports franchise in а region becomes home team for the entire region, not just the city in which it is located. Military retirees move to communities near active bases to have access to the base and post exchanges and commissaries, medical dispensaries and base hospitals which their retirement benefits entitle them to use.
BASIC REFERENCES AND CITED SOURCES Напу BOYTE (1980) The Backyard Revolution: Understanding the New Citizen Movement. Philadelphia, Ра.: Temple University Press.
Ralph Н. BROWN (1948) Historical Geography of the United States.NewYork, N.Y.: Harcourt, Вгасе & World.
Theodore CAPLOW et al.(1982)Middletown Families: FiftyYears of Change and Continuity. Minneapolis, Mn.: University of Minnesota Press.
Matthew CRENSON (1983)Neighborhood Politics. Cambridge, Ма.: Harvard University Press.
Dorothy W. DOUGLAS and Кatherine Du Рге LUMPКIN (1937) "Communistic Settlements," рр. 95-102 in Encyclopaedia ofthe Social Sciences,Volume 4, Combined Edition, Volume 2. NewYork, N.Y.: Macmillan.
Marilyn GIТТЕLL (1980) Limits to Citizen Participation: The Decline of Community Organizations. Beverly Hills, Са.: Sage.
Arthur А. GOREN (1980) "Jews," рр. 571-598 in The Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups,edited by Stephen Thernstrom. Cambridge. Ма.: Harvard University Press.
John А. HOSTETLER (1980) "Amish," рр. 122-125 in The Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups,edited Ьу Stephen Thernstrom. Cambridge. Ма.: Harvard University Press.
Albert HUNTER (1979) "The Urban Neighborhood: Analytical and Social Contexts," Urban Affairs Ouarterly,14 (March): 267-288.
Milton KOTLER (1969)Neighborhood Government: Local Foundations of Political Life.Indianapolis, In.: Bobbs-Merrill.
Е. С. LINDEМAN (1937) "Community," рр. 102-105 inEncyclopaedia of the Social Sciences,Volume 4, combined edition. NewYork, N.Y.: Macmillan.
Robert S. LYND and Helen Merrell LYND (1929) Middletown: А Study in American Culture. NewYork, N.Y.: Harcourt and Вгасе.
Richard J. МARGOLIS (198з) "In Rural American the Post Office Remains а Месса," Smithsonian,14-4 (July): 62-66,68-69.
Dean L. МАУ (1980) "Mormons," рр. 720-731 in The Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups,edited by Stephen Thernstrom. Cambridge. Ма.: Harvard University Press.
Robert М. McIVER (1920) Community.London, U.K: Macmillan
NEW YORK TIMES,9 January 1984, IV, 12:4.
NEW YORK TIMES,6 July 1984, 1, 6:4.
Judith Т. SHUVAL (1968) "Refugees: Adjustment and Assimilation," рр. 373-377 inInternational Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences,NewYork, N.Y.: Macmillan.
Stephen THERNSTROM, editor (1980) The Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups.Cambridge. Ма.: Harvard University Press.
John Clayton THOМAS (1986)Between Citizen and City. Lawrence, Кs.: University Press of Kansas.
Ferdinand TONNIES (1957)Community and Society, translated and edited by Charles Р. Loomis. New York, N.Y.: Harper. (Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft originally appeared in 1887).
Robert TROJANOWICZ and Samuel DIXON (1974) Criminal Justice and the Community. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall.
Roland 1. WARREN (1969) The Community in American,2nd edition. Chicago, Il.: Rand McNally.